Wow! What a week and it’s not over yet. Finally, it looks like the wheels are coming off the Clinton’s with the revelations of pay to play for the Russian’s donating millions to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for 20% of our uranium supply. Oh, let’s not forget slick Willy got a half a million bucks for a 30 minute speech in Russia. Then there’s Congressman Bob Corker speaking in an adult monotone voice saying how growing up in his family that they never used the “L” word. What the hell is the “L” word? Was he referring to a Liger, you know the offspring of a male lion and a tigress? Doubtful, I think the mysterious Corker was referring to the term “liar”, that terrible word Trump uses when calling out people for who they are. Hmm, I wonder what sugar-coated term Corker uses in referring to the lying Hillary? I don’t know about you but to me it’s refreshing to hear our president saying it like it is. If Corker is butt hurt then maybe he should trot down to Walgreen’s and pick up some Preparation-H, extra strength, for his delicate side.
Then yesterday we’ve got Flake who cries while turning in his notice that he’s quitting. Again, a phony politician blaming all of his woes on the bully Trump. Truth be told on that pathetic display of victim hood is that Kelli Ward was kicking some serious ass on him. I guess it’s better to leave with some “dignity” than to be thrown out by the Arizona voters through the saloon doors and onto the dusty street.
So enough of my rant about the swamp and on with an update on the sequel to, Citizen Warrior The 4th Branch. Wrapping up another edit by the end of the week then it’s onto my beta readers. They’re real friends, you know the kind that will talk straight with me on what needs tweaking before it’s off to my editor. Having a couple of very smart people who are voracious readers taking a peak at my first novel, Citizen Warrior The 4th Branch, greatly helped me in creating a great story out of the gate. I can hardly wait to read their notes and hear their comments on book 2 in the series. Oh yes, the third and final in the series is coming. Should be sometime in the summer of next year.
Keep Up the Good Fight!